Happy Thanksgiving 11.22.2007

I can't believe how fast the holiday's have come this year.... it seems like just yesterday we were getting dressed up for Halloween. They say time flies when you are having fun. I think time flies when you stay so darn busy. Oh, but I am loving every minute of it.

I love this time of year because there is so much to do and I can't help but capture each and every moment. And No! one photo is never enough... just ask my husband. :)

As I reflect on all that I have to be grateful for this Thanksgiving I have to thank God for giving me such a life blessed with endless joy. I couldn't ask for anything more. I am grateful to have such a healthy, loving and supportive family. I wouldn't be here without their love and I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't call my mother every single day.

I am also grateful that my talent has lead me into so many of your lives. I love that my purpose in life is not just being a great daughter, wife, and mother but one who has the special opportunity to capture moments that you and your family will cherish for years to come. Thank you for keeping me busy!