It's My First Blog

Hello, Fellow Bloggers, Friends, and Family,

I view tons of my follow photography's website and love keeping up with what everyone is up to and what new things they are trying in the business of photography. So I've decided to join the crowd even if I know I am to busy to keep up with yet another website. haha!

I think it'll be fun to have a place to look back to and see how far I've come as well as keep my family and friends in the loop of what I've been up to lately. They will get to view first hand that when I say I am's true!

It'll also be a good resource to my many clients who so many I call my friends. It'll be a good insite to the type of photography I do and create ideas for thier next portrait session. I'll also feature upcoming news and specials. So stay tuned.

I am thrilled another year is winding down and a new year is just around the corner. As most you probably know I hold alot of my emotion inside but I am super happy to be going into my third year of business and my clients keep coming back. Thank you all for the support and trust capturing your families most treasured moments.

Lisa Lotter