More Caitlyn!

Here are more sweet images of little Miss Caitlyn.... she is such a doll! First a few images with her big brother Nick. This is always a challenge because you just never know what to expect. Mommy sure did try so hard to get big brother to give his little sissy kisses. It was so cute.... Oh, and if you wondering where that image is? Well, he didn't pucker his lips and he didn't stay long so it looked like he was eating his sister's head. lol! I know, now you are dying to see it. Well, I thought these were the sweetest of all the images.

Thanks for checking out the blog spot....there are so many more of images of Caitlyn to post if you can believe that and i already want to go back and have another session with her. I hope her mommy doesn't mind.

Is it Monday already! I can't believe April is just around the corner.