Thanksgiving Blessings

Just returned from a very short but sweet visit home in celebration of Thanksgiving. I can't tell you how much it means to me that my hubby and I with our daughter made the 10 hour drive to and from. We even traveled camper style and man I wish I took a picture and totally forgot. opps! The holiday was over in a flash because every time I am home it's like an extended portriat session from dusk till dawn. I am the oldest of many so there are lots of pictures to be taking and I don't ever remember everything which makes me mad when I download the results. Yada! Yada! So I hope you too had a very yummy Thanksgiving and got to enjoy the holiday sales. I enjoyed the company it include everyone I'd want to hang out with on any day of the week even my best friend in the whole wide world came to celebrate with us. Here are a few images of my baby girl and her very best friend and cousin. They are like two peas in a pod when we visit. Soooo Cute! Now it's back to work.


Erin Parry said...

Adorable Lisa! It's good you got to go home! I'm glad I don't live that far away from my fam!!!