The Winner is.......

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for all the response! I never dreamed that I would have such participation from so many. It was so much fun witnessing nearly 100 votes in the first 24 hours. Wow!!! I can't thank you enough for spreading the word to all of your friends and family. I'll have to put this on my must do list for the new year. So getting to the point.... the winner is #28 with 24.9% of the vote!!!! And because the response was so big I wanted to also thank a few more. The 1st runner up will receive a $50 credit at their next session. The 2nd runner up will receive a $25 credit at their next session.

Winner #28 (24.9%)
1st runner up #3 (18.1%)
2nd runner up #19 (17.7%)

Look for more details about the new year coming soon!